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Ashley Wyman

Certified Consultant

(814) 602-1840

My Story

Scentsy has been a passion of mine since I first learned about it from a neighbor in July 2014. I had never hosted a party in my home or even an online party but I decided to purchase some products to support my neighbor in her starting of a business and I am very thankful that I took a leap that year. Taking the first step in trying out the products had me hooked. I bought myself a "Service and Sacrifice" warmer with blueberry cheesecake scent and my daughter a chicken scentsy buddy. She still has her buddy with her in her room and absolutely loves playing with it.

Scentsy was definitely a game changer for me and after that initial step I told myself that I would no longer waste my money on candles or cheap wax not only because the smells were much stronger but because it was safer to have around children and pets. There is no open flames, no wicks, and the wax does not burn if it touches the skin while heated in the warmer. At the end of 2015 I met a very good friend who has helped me expand into different scents and trying new warmers and encouraging me to become a consultant so that way I can help support my family and earn a profit while working with something that I absolutely love.

   I took the leap about 3 years ago to finally join in on all the fun and earn an income while doing it. I am thankful for all the support i have received thus far. Please, If I can help you in any way, whether it is making a purchase, joining my team, or just simply have any questions contact me and I will do my very best to help! I hope to hear from you soon!

                                                                        Thank You,

                                                                     Ashley Wyman


What's warming in my home